Podcasts I’ve been on!

Copybites w/ Bob Taylor
Ep11: How to attract your dream client
Struggling with generic marketing and bad client fits?
In this episode, I talk to Bob about
- how to attract the right clients for you
- how to write powerful (not generic) copy
- Adjusting your employee mindset for business success

Unconventional Business w/ Siobhan Fox
Ep19: Getting creative through left brain AND right brain thinking
If you’ve not met Siobhan, she’s an awesome Unconventional Business Mentor on a personal mission to help you grow your business your way and by your rules!
We had a great chat about using both sides of our brains combining logic and creativity, comparisonitis, why it’s important to show up as the real, authentic you and more.
Business Success & Coffee w/ Simon Meadows
Ep165: Southern Comfort and Queues For a Kiss
In this episode, I spoke to Simon about:
- Shifting your mindset
- Creating your own unique brand voice
- How the right language, tone and values can attract and engage your dream clients
Looking for a podcast guest?
I mostly talk about attracting dream clients and working on my mindset. If that sounds like a good fit for your podcast, get in touch. I’d love to chat with you!