Do what you love and
I’ll write about it

Copywriting & Admin Services
for Creatives & Coaches

copywriting and VA services for creative businesses
contact caroline buist now

Cheerful Creative Content guaranteed!

Hello, I’m Caroline – Copywriter, VA and Founder of Above & Beyond VA.

You’re a passionate ​’neuro-spicy’ creative at the top of your game. You LOVE what you do and you’re exceptionally good at it! You can…

  • Snap a beautiful brand photo without batting an eyelid
  • Design a wonderful website with your eyes closed (almost) or
  • Knock up a gorgeous graphic in your sleep.

But when you’re snowed under with client work, your own marketing tends to take a back seat.

And when you do get some time, the last thing you want to do is write a blog, post on social media or update your website!

That’s where I come in.

Caroline Buist Home

Check out my done-for-you content writing and admin services

copywriting services for small businesses


Content written in your unique voice to attract your dream clients and put off the nightmare ones!

copywriting for web designers collaboration


Let’s chat about a potential collab – you design and I write!

(If your client signs up, you’ll get a 20% Referral Fee)

va services


Find out how I can help with those time-sucking admin jobs you can’t do and (let’s be honest) don’t want to do!

How do I work?

book a call


Book a 1:1 call and let’s find out if we’d be a good fit to work together.

book a zoom call


When you hire me, I’ll gather all the info I need in a 60 minute recorded Zoom to avoid any time-wasting, to-ing and fro-ing.



I get cracking on writing your copy whizzing the first draft back within 5-7 days.

(​Two additional revisions are included in the price but not normally needed)

caroline buist

Meet Caroline

When I started my VA business in 2020, I didn’t have the foggiest idea how to write engaging and magnetic content that would promote my services, let alone attract my dream clients.

That all changed when I completed Chantelle Davison’s copywriting course. Now, I’ve developed and fine-tuned the skills and techniques needed to be a kick-arse copywriter (if I say so myself, but I’ve also won some awards)!

For over 4 years, I’ve written thousands of words for 30+ business owners (and counting).

I’m more than equipped to write magnetic content for your creative business that sounds exactly like you’d written it yourself. Ssshhh – no-one will ever know!

Before I put pen to paper (yes, I’m old school), I take my time to dig deep and find out all about your business, brand and dream clients, to write in your own unique tone of voice and tell your story.

What clients say…

From the Blog

Love What You Do: Tapping into Your Zone of Genius

Love What You Do: Tapping into Your Zone of Genius

What if I told you, it’s possible to create a business that doesn’t make you want to hurl your laptop out of the window? Enter the Zone of Genius, a practical framework for identifying what you’re bloody brilliant at and actually enjoy doing.