I turned 50 recently! It got me thinking – I must have picked up some pearls of wisdom along the way. I’ve been around long enough!
So, what have I learnt about life so far?
I’ve racked my brain and come up with 10 Life Lessons.
#1. Failure breeds success.
So what if you fail at something? The important thing is not to think of it as a failure but as a learning moment. If something doesn’t work, try something else and just keep trying and trying again until you succeed. Don’t give up, you’ll get there in the end!
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”
―Thomas Edison
#2. Nobody’s perfect
I’m certainly not and I don’t claim to be. Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to learn from them and try not to make the same mistake TWICE! Own up to your mistakes and fix them if you can. In business, I’ve learnt that your idea, product or service doesn’t need to be perfect before you launch. Put it out there and tweak it as you go. Listen and act on the feedback you receive and make improvements as you go along.
#3. Life is short!
If you have a dream, don’t forget all about it and put it on the back burner. Set yourself some concrete goals to achieve that dream. You know what they say: ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. It’s never too late to go for it, no matter how old you are. Never be afraid of living your dream. Be afraid of how you’ll feel if you’re not living your dream. Do what you love and do what makes you happy!
#4. Treat people as you’d like to be treated.
Even if some people are rude and disrespectful, you don’t have to sink to their level. Good manners cost nothing. Show people that you appreciate what they do. A simple thank you and a small act of kindness could make someone’s day!
#5. Don’t compare yourself to other people.
Stay in your own lane. There’s no need to be jealous of someone else’s success. Congratulate them and support them on their journey. Use their success to inspire you. Big them up and they may return the favour one day. Be you. Be real. Be authentic.
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
―Oscar Wilde
#6. Everything happens for a reason.
We may not see it at the time. When something happens and it pushes you in a different direction, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Don’t dismiss those reasons, fully embrace them and accept them.
#7. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously! 🤣
I know it’s corny but I believe the motto ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ is really the only way to approach life. None of us are getting out of it alive. We may as well make the most of it, learn to laugh at ourselves and have a few laughs with others along the way.
#8. Never stop learning.
I’ve always loved learning new things, apps and tools, etc. As a VA, there are so many tools at our disposal with new ones coming out all the time. if we don’t keep up, we could easily fall behind. Don’t be afraid to learn something new, no matter how old you are. It keeps your mind active and gives you a fresh perspective.
#9. My gut instinct is normally spot on!
Whenever I’ve been in a situation that I’m not too sure about, my gut will normally start churning and I’ll start to feel really uncomfortable. My first instinct about a person or a situation is pretty much the right one every single time. The lesson I’ve learnt is to listen to my gut.
#10. There’s still more life to live.
I obviously don’t know how much time I have left but I plan to make the most of the time I do have. I’ll keep learning, continuously improving and enjoying new experiences. I don’t intend to shy away from challenges and I’ll enjoy learning/doing something new for the rest of my life. You never know, I may still be here in another 50 years receiving a telegram from the future Queen (or King). C’est la vie!
Do you agree with my 10 lessons on life? What life lessons have you learnt? What would you add to my list?