My No 1 core value is Above and Beyond, hence my business name. It refers to my work ethic and attitude to my work. It’s not meant to sound arrogant or boastful as that’s not who I am or what I’m about.
I recently read an article from The Muse shared on LinkedIn that suggested going above and beyond could hurt your career and eventually lead to stress and burnout.
This is my response to that article as I believe it is possible to go above and beyond without burning out and these are 10 of my personal tips to do just that:
#1. Set strict boundaries
Set strict boundaries. Make sure you stick to your set working hours and take regular breaks. Make absolutely clear from the outset to your line managers and colleagues what your working hours are. Take tea/coffee breaks and make sure you always take your lunch break even if it’s just half an hour! You’ll be more productive, feel refreshed and be ready for anything if you do.
#2. Add value
Add value to whatever you do. When you work on a task, see if you can do a little bit more, something extra to tweak, improve and develop whatever it is you are doing. See what you can do to make a system or process more efficient and effective. Learn from any mistakes that you make along the way and try not to make the same mistake twice.
#3. Communicate
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate. Keep your client informed throughout. Let them know if there are any issues that could cause delays. Tell them what you’re planning to do about those issues. Provide your client with clear, concise information and keep them in the loop. It’s courteous and plain good manners. They will also know that you are on the case and have the task in hand.
#4. Manage & exceed expecations
Manage & exceed expectations. You may be familiar with the term: underspecify and overdeliver. What is meant by that is, if you get asked to do something that you know from experience isn’t going to be possible in the allotted time, let your client know that you may need extra time. If you think it will take 2 days to complete, tell your client that it’ll be done in 3 days and complete it in 2. This way you’ve not only met their deadline ahead of time but also exceeded their expectations.
#5. Keep your promises
Keep your promises. If you say you’re going to do something, do it! If you’re unable to do something for whatever reason, tell your client and work on a solution to make it happen. If you constantly make promises and fail to keep them, your client will think you’re not to be trusted and you’ll also appear unprofessional.
#6. Maintain high standards
Maintain high standards. Produce high quality work consistently. Produce work on time, or even better, ahead of time. If you are able to, get the non-urgent, routine tasks that can be done ahead of time out of the way. You’ll then have time to tackle those urgent, ad hoc tasks that get thrown at you. Try to stay on top of your workload by meeting and exceeding set deadlines.
#7. Keep a positive can-do attitude
Keep a positive can-do and will-do attitude at all times. Instead of seeing problems, turn them into challenges and try to find solutions to those challenges. If you’re prone to think of your glass as half empty, it may be time for a mindset shift. Try turning every negative thought into a positive. Instead of ‘I can’t, say I CAN’. Instead of ‘I won’t, say I WILL’.
#8. Remember that the customer is always right
Remember that the customer is always right (even when they’re not!). Provide great customer service by really listening to your client and finding out what they really want and need. Aim to satisfy that want and need. Do this and more. Be proactive by seeing how you can make tweaks and improvements to your service. Ask for feedback from your client. What can you do better? There’s always room for improvement.
#9. Look after your physical & mental health
Look after your physical and mental health. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Everyone is different and some people need more sleep than others. Make sure you’re getting your full quota. Your mental health is very important to avoid burnout and stress. If you’re not happy with the work that you do or your working environment, eventually it will wear you down and it can lead to depression. Believe me, I’ve been there myself and I know what I’m talking about!
#10. Evaluate your work life
Evaluate your work life. Do you love what you do? Do you love where you work? Do you love who you work with? My final tip is to take a long hard look at the work you’re doing and the company you’re working for. If it doesn’t feel right, chances are it isn’t the best fit for you. Make concrete plans to see how you can change your current situation. If you love your work, where you work and who you work with, it’ll make it a hell of a lot easier to go above and beyond without burning out!
I live by this value on a daily basis and always strive to go the extra mile and exceed expectations but not at the detriment to my physical or mental health. If you work with me as your VA, you’ll be working with someone who has a strong work ethic and places an emphasis on great customer service. If that sounds good to you, contact me for an informal chat. Let’s see if we’d like to work together and take it from there!