Yay! Happy 1st Business Birthday to me!
It’s 1st October 2021 and one year on from setting up my VA business, I’m collecting my thoughts and reflecting on the emotional rollercoaster journey of highs and lows that come with being self-employed and running a business.
#1. ‘Imposter Syndrome’ is real
No matter how much experience you have or transferable skills you possess, the move from employee to self-employment is a scary one! That ‘neggy’ little voice in your head keeps telling you:
‘You’re not good enough’
‘What makes you think you can run a business?’
To move forward and not get stuck into a negative mindset that will undoubtedly knock your confidence, you need to kick that voice to the kerb. Remind yourself of everything you’ve done in the past and all of the experience and skills you bring to the table – you’ve definitely got this!
#2. Comparisonitis gets you nowhere
When you see other VAs picking up clients within a week of setting up their businesses and they’re at full capacity within a few months, you start to think:
‘What the hell am I doing wrong?’
But there’s literally no point comparing your business to anyone else’s. Your business and your ideal clients and your capacity will not be the same as any other business.
Therefore, stop comparing yourself to others! It’s a complete waste of time and will only make you feel like crap. Instead, take inspiration from other business owners and congratulate them on their successes, all the while continuing to stay in your own lane and going your own merry way.
#3. No magic wand to shift your mindset
When I started my business, I thought I could wave a magic wand and transform myself into an instant business owner but that wasn’t quite the case. It took me a little while to realise that I was the boss and in control of how I run my business. I could set the rules and the boundaries of how, when and where I chose to work.
Once this mindset shift kicked in and I started to think like a business owner, rather than an employee, my confidence took a real boost and I started to get excited about the possibilities for my business.
#4. Continuous personal development is key
Luckily, I’ve always enjoyed learning new skills which is key when you’re a VA. Having the knack to pick up new systems and processes and hit the ground running with new apps is vital. Investing in yourself and learning new skills can benefit your business as it’s another string to your bow and a potential niche service to offer to your clients.
A few months ago, I completed VA Copy College. I absolutely loved the course as it levelled up my copywriting skills and gave me the confidence to start offering copywriting as a new service. It’s been a real game changer for my business and I’m really enjoying using these new skills with my clients.
#5. Your plan will change
Your original business plan that you wrote when you first started up is not fixed. Be prepared to flex and tweak your plan as you go along and adjust it as new opportunities present themselves. Don’t be afraid of taking risks when you need to and regularly step out of your comfort zone – it’s where the magic happens!
As a shy and retiring introvert, I’ve never been comfortable with networking and putting myself out there on social media but I know that I need to be visible in order to grow and build my business. So, despite my discomfort, I have put myself out there this past year and I’ll continue to do so. I’m hoping it’ll get easier and slightly less cringey as I go along.
#6. Outsource as and when needed
As a VA, I always bang on to other business owners that they should outsource the tasks they can’t do, don’t want to do and don’t have time to do. I really need to heed my own advice. I outsourced my logo design and brand guidelines to Wendy Walker of Ovy Design and I couldn’t be happier with what was produced – I love my logo!
However, I didn’t outsource my website design and setup which with hindsight, I wish I had. Instead, I challenged myself to learn WordPress to build the site myself and I set up the hosting etc. It was a steep learning curve and took me months to complete it.
Having said that, I’m quite proud of myself for taking on the challenge and getting it done but in the future, I will outsource this when I want a fresh redesign. It’s always best to stick to what you do best and allow others to do the same!
#7. Partly living the dream
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to run my own business. Why? Because I want the freedom to be able to choose when I work, who I work with and where I work. The business is currently a side hustle while I build it up but my ultimate ambition is to be self-employed on a full-time basis.
I’ve hated the commute to the office for quite a few years now, which is why Covid did me a favour and allowed me to work remotely for over a year in my day job. It gave me a real taste of what it would be like to work from home as a full-time VA and it suited me down to the ground.
Now, I’ve returned to the office, it’s made me even more determined to make my dream a reality. I want to be able to work when it suits me and not have to ask permission to take time off or stop work early for the day. I want to be able to choose my ideal clients who I love working with and avoid the nightmare ones. I want to work remotely from my home office at a time that suits me and not have to commute to an office at all.
Onwards & upwards!
One year on, I’m partly living the dream and I’ve learnt so much about myself and what I’m capable of. I’ve learnt that I can and will do this. I’ve learnt to step out of my comfort zone and take calculated risks. I’m working on continuously learning and improving myself to be able to offer the best possible service to my clients. I’m learning from any mistakes that I make along the way so as not to make the same mistakes twice!
The journey has not exactly been plain sailing but I wouldn’t change a thing! Onwards and upwards!
Get in touch if you need to outsource the admin that you can’t do, don’t have time to do or don’t want to do.
If you need a copywriter to shout about the work you love to do, I’ll find the right words to attract your ideal clients and put off the nightmare ones!